Over yonder mountains, years ago, we had the pleasure of meeting Klaus Obermeyer Jr. (son of Obermeyer company founder Klaus Obermeyer Sr.) through another client. He loved our work and reached out to see if he could commission us to design a new logo for his Dad’s legendary company as a gift for... his 95th birthday!!! How cool is that?!? We were beyond honored. And also very, very nervous. But wow. What started out as a secret surprise turned into one of the most beautiful branding projects we've ever been blessed with working on. We share the work below with crazy love in our hearts.
This is Obermeyer.

Obermeyer has a wonderful history of logos dating back to the 1950s! Many featured a heart, often with a ski pole through it like cupid’s arrow! The love, history and commitment to this company came through in every conversation, so we knew we wanted to try and keep the heart alive, visually. But when we learned how equally beloved Maroon Bells are to them in their HQ hometown of Aspen, Co. we figured out to take things next level. This is peak logo love.


TRUE LOVE is a brand brochure like no other. Months in the works. Draft after draft, rounds and rounds of edits. Late night calls from Aspen, wondering if we shouldn’t just bail on it. We often tell our clients to prepare for some emotional fallout over projects like this, and it’s true! Identity design can often cause an identity crisis of sorts: Who are we? What do we stand for? How do people perceive us? What are they missing? What are we missing? Etc. It can get dark people. Be prepared! Be brave! And stay the course. We'll help you keep things on track.

Ultimately, we pushed through all of it and more. Together. Always in collaboration! Nome Obermeyer, Klaus’s wife and partner-in-crime at the company, sent us the shot below of Klaus perusing the finished piece, along with the sweetest note ever (also keep scrollin'). One of the nicest messages we’ve ever received… so it must be shared! And we’ll take this opportunity to thank Nome right back, and the whole team at Obermeyer that we worked with on this. The heart beats on!

"Dear Liz and Ken, It’s a victory. Squeal over-able, for sure. Nothing like it ever before, in our lives anyway.
I have been grinning… but crying a little, too. In a way, at 96 years old, he’s reading his own biography, even if it’s supposed to be about a company. He’s really happy. It was the right thing to do – get it together for him. Your ideas, approach, writing, content/text… it seems to have just worked. I don’t know where you found the stamina, or kept your goodwill. I do know how impossible the whole effort must’ve seemed, at times. I’m just so glad everyone persevered.
For me this picture is priceless, and I have to say I sprang upstairs to send it to you – because how he feels about things, how it feels to have done something right that has made him happy, means so much, that succeed, or fail, I’m a basket case for half a day after, and burst into tears at the least provocation. ‘Thank you’ is what this message was meant to be about, though. Thank you Liz and Ken.
And with many hugs,

"Your ideas, approach, writing, content/text… it seems to have just worked. I don’t know where you found the stamina, or kept your goodwill. I do know how impossible the whole effort must’ve seemed, at times. I’m just so glad everyone persevered."
Nome Obermeyer